Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 20 May 2013

Plastic thoughts...

I don’t get the need for grownups to be carting about bottles of water and sipping at it all the time. OK there are times when it is much more acceptable, like in the gym. 

But it seems a bit extreme to see the suited chap, who got off the train in front of me, doing it. 

Not only that, those plastic bottles have a real negative impact on the environment. 

Do I buy water?
Yes I do, from the local supermarket at 19p for two litres. And that’s not for drinking; it’s to put in The Man’s CPAP machine. The tap water here is so hard that it scales up the humidifier reservoir within days.

I meant to tell you on Saturday about the good deed we did.

Picture this. 

We’d gotten off the train at the station near Nunhead Cemetery, as we walked along the platform a young woman who had been sitting on a low wall jumped up and headed for the train  The where she had been sitting was a fat black wallet. 

Now the trains don’t linger long at the stations so I called to The Man to go after her and I grabbed her wallet and made a bee line for the train. 

‘Scuse me, I said is this yours?’ Well I knew it was. 

She looked surprised and then horrified at having left it behind. I just had time to hear her thank you before the doors closed.
We felt very pleased with ourselves.

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