Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 20 April 2013

Petrol Head heaven...

Ooo did we have a god day today. Yes we did. The only thing that could have improved it wold have been if the wind had dropped.
So what did we do?

Well The Man and I, after a bit of googling last night. I said googling not canoodling. We googled our directions for today.

So with the written instructions in his jacket pocket, lunch in our chilly bag and a couple of cushions to sit on we  walked down to the bus stop and hopped on the 202.
That took us to Catford and from there we took a train to Eynsford. And After a short local bus trip we arrived at our destination.
 Brands Hatch. Yes that’s right the motor racing track. You must have seen races there on the TV. Well if you might have.
One of The Man’s work colleagues had told him that there was truck racing out there today.
Boy were there some incredible rigs on display there. Bright shiny chrome, highly polished paint, and all pimped to the nth degree. Petrol head heaven. 

Today was a practice and qualifying day for the cars and the trucks. And boy did they practice well.
It was hard to tear ourselves away when it was time to leave. But the bus driver that dropped us off told us that the 1640 was the very last bus of the day and in fact the last until Monday morning. So we had no option. All I can say is I’m pleased we decided to come today as we would have had problems getting here tomorrow.

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