Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 22 April 2013

Reality strikes...

Back to work today, reality strikes. 

Just as well I really enjoy my job. Honestly I really do. Can’t think of anything I would rather be working at.

Quite a few years ago when I worked in a very busy medical centre in back home in New Zealand.  I decided that I wanted to change my occupation, and booked an appointment with a careers advisor. 

He had me complete all sorts of computer based questionnaires which he evaluated.  I could hardly wait for my follow up appointment to find out what new career path I should take, after all I’d been a practice nurse for quite a number of years and felt that I was close to ‘burn out’.

So just what were the recommendations? Well the careers advisor told me that I was best suited to be?
well it turns out I should be either a midwife, a minister of religion or an undertaker. 

Hmm… That pretty much summed up a great deal of my role as a practice nurse encompassed.

It was an interesting exercise and a reality check too.
So what did I do?

Well I stuck at my job, stressful though it was….and you know what?
I’m very glad that I did.
I love my job.

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