Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 3 April 2013

A rip off...

I struggled with the date yesterday and as predicted struggled with it today. You try writing 3/4/13. Talking…err writing about things like that as my son is want to say...err write.
Try writing, with  pencil -2-2x=   you have to practice  few times to get it to flow, but written reasonable fast it sounds like the beginning of the  Mary Poppins song chim chiminy song. Honestly it really does. 

The Man was telling me about one of his work mates who on his motor bike unfortunately had a minor altercation with a car. Insurance job, too right I would have thought.
Ha, this is rip off country remember. 

So the insurance company say you pay the excess of £400 odd and oh the bike isn’t worth much so we’ll give you £60. And that without even looking at the bike, which is according its owner,  worth a couple of grand. 

So claim from the owners insurance, well back in NZ you might, not here though. The car in question was a hire car and the hire company said there’s no damage to our car, you’re not claiming from us. So there he is without his transport and considerable out of pocket now and in the future ‘cos he has about 20 miles to go to get to work. Doesn’t sound too far if you say it quickly or drive it, but on his push bike its a long way. Public transport I hear you say, well yes that is available but at a decent cost of perhaps up to £3000 per year.

So he’s out of pocket whichever way he goes, and not only that his insurance premiums will now go up, even if he doesn’t make the claim.

No wonder we are happy not to own vehicle here, can you see why?

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