Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 11 April 2013

I read it in the paper so it must be true

They say that the temperatures should react all the way up to 20 degrees over the weekend, Unfortunately the spring weather is then set to turn wetter and cooler.

Parents are being accused of reading to their children to get them ahead rather than for pleasure. Horrors and throw the hands up in the air.  Does it actually matter why they read to them, so long as they do? 

Yes but is it art?
The artist (so called) who won the Turner Prize by casting an entire Victorian terraced house has unveiled something a bit more modest. Guess what it is?
Her new exhibition includes several works rendering the empty interior of a garden shed in concrete and steel!!!

The appointment of Britain’s first Youth Commissioner, a 17 year old previously foul mouthed teenager will now not be taking up her position and not receiving the £17000 salary.   And why?  Because of offensive spots she put on a social networking sites. Now wouldn’t you think that before they appointed anyone to a post a thorough screening?

A professor who has just retired as chief scientific advisor to the Government this week declared the health service’s continued funding of homeopathic remedies as ‘mad’. The NHS spent more than $4 million on the practice last year. 

And last but not least…
Sex workers are taking more risks as foreign rivals slash prices.
The number of street prostitutes around Paddington has increased to between 30 -40. The women are mostly British, but more Romanians are getting in not the act. People have less money to spend , and the women need to make a living. This means that they take more risks in terms of the service they provide, and take on clients they would have previously turned away.

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