Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 5 April 2013

No news would have been better...

Another Friday. Yay.

And we are already a third of the way into this year, where has it gone.
If you ever find out where all that time is please tell me because I want some back!!!
OK I am probably repeating myself, I blame the menopause, whats your excuse. 

The man and I had a nice little holiday planned for the end of May, a cruise on the Marco Polo up to the Faroe islands. Notice that I said ‘had’.

Why so you might ask?

Well that’s because the border agency has still to come up with the Man’s visa and the return of both our passports. So that we don’t incur a default payment we had until the end of March to cancel. We’ve forfeited our deposit, which is is shame but better than losing more money. The cruise is only within British waters so why do we need passports? I did ask the travel people that and their reply was that it is necessary just in case something happens and the ship is diverted to an international port. Oh well. 

Then to add insult to injury what arrives in the mail?

Go on guess, go on I dare you.

No not the visa and passports that would be just too cruel.
So what arrives, well, all the information about the cruise, the excursion possibilities and all the assorted guff that we would need if we were going.
Ever mind.

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