Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 18 April 2013

A bit of a ramble...

So what am I going to blog about tonight? 

Goodness only knows.

But I am not going to stop now, now that I have written a daily post since January 2012.

In the mail tonight well it was tonight when we got home, was a brochure form the cruise company that we travelled with last year. There are some great offers that are very very tempting. But The Man’s visa is still not through. The letter we had back in, when was that, yes I remembers it was in November, said that it could take up to six months. OK so we are not at the six months mark yet, but we will be soon.  So we will have to be patient for a while longer yet. I’ve already cancelled the leave I was supposed to be taking at the end of May that was for our proposed cruise on the Marco Polo.

Now that the mornings are a little warmer so we have started to walk down the hill to the stain on weekday mornings. Most days we see a couple of youngish strut cleaner guys. They walk at a fair clip too with a large plastic bag in one hand and a picker upper gadget in the other. They pick up the litter without even slowing down, and going uphill to boot. There is such a lot of litter around too. We got sick of seeing it accumulate week after week near the bus stop that we get off each day that I wrote to the council and complained and more than once too.  Now at Canary Wharf it is quite a different story and that’s because of the huge fines that are able to  be imposed if so much as a cigarette butt is flicked onto the ground.  

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