Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 2 April 2013


What a silly date, all day I have been  wanting to write 2/4/6 instead of 2/4/13. Well you would wouldn’t you…seemed much more logical to my little brain. And no prizes for guessing what I will be wanting to write tomorrow, you got it 3/4/5.

Yes we are still hand writing notes and lab forms, one day everything will be done on the computer, I’m just not holding my breath about when that will be.

For the first time for a long time that we walked to the bus stop in the daylight and actually came home in the sunshine. No, our hours haven’t changed it’s because of so called British Summer Time. We even walked up through the park this evening instead of catching the bus up the hill. Pretty chilly though.

According to the news this has been the coldest spring in 50 years.   You wouldn’t believe it was the same time of year… As Britain endures its coldest March since 1963, it’s hard to think that just 12 months ago we were basking in the sunniest March since 1929.
Just look at the comparison pictures
March 2013

March 2012

Good think I haven’t packed out woolly longjohns away

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