Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 14 April 2013

Visit to the Hornman...

The weather man promised us a good day today with temperatures up to 20 odd degrees.
And did he deliver. Yes he did

We were a bit sceptical, The Man and me, well it has been so grey for such a long time we didi wonder if the big round golden orb was actually still up there. 

After lunch we decided that a visit to the Horniman museum was the order of the day…well afternoon anyway.

A short bus ride later and ice cream in hand thanks Mr Whippy, we soon found ourselves in the kids playground just up the road from our destination,

I’d read about their latest exhibition, Amazon Adventure and seen the posters on the tube. And as it was such a nice day we thought that it wouldn’t be inundated with visitors, and it wasn’t. 

I’m not sure exactly what we were expecting, but I think it was something a bit more sophisticated than what we actually got. Well the exhibition was nicely put together and it did have some interesting facts, but…well..we were expecting a little more.

one of the posters

After that we had a stroll around the gardens which were still looking quite bare. Not surprising  as the spring has been so cold.  There was a nice view of the city from the top too.
Can you see The City  in the distance?

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