Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 29 April 2013

Not holding my breath...

Hmmm found out today that this weekend will be a day longer. Bank holiday is what they call it over here. This one has snuck up on us. So what shall we do this weekend? Well we won’t be going offshore that’s for certain because we are still waiting for The Man’s visa. Honestly we really are. Well the letter from the border agency said that it could take up to six months and at the end of May that’s how long it will have been. Good thing we haven’t been holding our breaths. We’d be awfully blue by now wouldn’t we?

After doing that genealogy course on Saturday I have realised that I need to go back almost to square one to recheck my data. 

Why you might ask.

Well I’ll tell you. The reason is that I really want to be absolutely certain that the branch I am following is the right one. Then once I am sure of that I will try to find out as much as I can about the events surrounding the elusive ancestor. 

OK so that sounds logical, but it is something that most of us amateur genealogist can overlook. 

It’s all about verification.

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