Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 26 April 2013

And what did you accomplish today...

Yet another Friday.

Finished a huge task at work.

In preparation for having our paper files scanned so that the notes can shortly be done on the computer…yes we are still in the dark ages when it comes to that, we have been pulling each client file to check it. First to make sure that it really is still ‘alive’ and, then to remove duplicate and other extraneous pieces of paper.  And second to remove all, and I mean all, the staples!
And how many individual files were there?   

Conservative estimate would be around five thousand.
Yes that’s right five thousand. 

All a couple of days ago we thought we had completed the task. That is until I went through every single drawer of files and checked that each and every file had a small sticker on it that denoted that it had been checked. 

I was not happy to discover tho there were more than forty of them not done. Argh!  In some sections of the alphabetised drawers the files were in small clusters and others just the odd one.
I really wanted to get them done before the weekend, but. With only the afternoon available for me to get through them I want sure if it could be done.
And did I accomplish what I set out to do.
Yes I did.
And I was more than delighted to be able to email the boss and say Wooohoo all is finished.  

Now you can see why when I describe my role as a practice nurse I say I do a bit of everything, even a bit of nursing from time to time.

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