Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 4 April 2013

Crazy weather...

Did I have any trouble with the date today? 

Nope I did not…

Can you believe it, here we are in April no less and today it snowed. What kind of topsy turvey weather is this? It’s almost 7pm and the temperature has already fallen to one degree 

I feel sorry for the farmers, crops will be held up, so later on the price of veg will rise. And there have been quite a few lam losses so that will be reflected in the price of meat later in the year too. Not only that we have all had our heaters on for a lot longer than expected which means all our power and gas bills will be higher too. Ah well could be worse I suppose. Not sure how it could be…
The climate is all over the place. 

I read the other day that the ice is actually expanding down in the Antarctic. That is strange because here in the northern hemisphere the Arctic ice is shrinking. Something to do with cooling water running under the ice which is protecting it from the warming ground below.

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