Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 27 April 2013

Excelent day...

Well that was an interesting day.

And what did I do?

Well I’ll tell you…

I caught the trains, well trains actually, into the city and went to the Society of Genealogists to an afternoon course about Good Research Techniques.

I was hoping that there would be something there for me that might help me to break through the brick wall and verify that James Harvey is indeed my three times great grandfather and that his parents are William Harvey and Judith Musk.

And while there was no actual research done today, I now have a whole lot more knowledge about where else to search.

The speaker was Celia Heritage, isn’t that a great name for a genealogist.   She was very knowledgeable and interesting as well as being a very informative teacher.

Not only is that she also a published author. The book is called  tracing your Ancestor Through Death Records. I’m hoping it will provide me with even more clues in the hunt for those elusive ancestors.

I’ll keep you posted.

So I went off and left The Man to his own devices. He’s a great fella my man and got tea underway while I was on my way home. 

A yummy roast chicken.

We followed that lovely roast dinner with fresh strawberries and cream.

What more could a girl ask for.

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