Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 19 April 2013


I was watching a programmed on BBCiplayer at lunchtime.
It was about memory. 
Seems that for most of us the earliest memory we have is from when we were about three years old. According to the programme this is when we begin to use language to describe what is happening around us and this is when we start to develop a more defined sense of ‘self’.

So what is your earliest memory?

I have two very early ones. A vague recollection of being in bed with mum, in the huge front bedroom of our house in Tama Street. 
Number 15 Tama Street
The other is sitting on the floor opposite my sister and pushing a large red wooden truck to her and her pushing it back to me.

The programme ten went on to discuss why it is that we member events from our mid-teens to late twenties so well. Why we can still sing the school song, but not remember what it was we had for lunch yesterday.

Seems that it has something to do with the developing sense of self, and becoming an independent individual.
I have a very clear memory of becoming suddenly aware that other people in the world went about their lives that were totally different from mine. I remember one evening looking out my bedroom window at a house a bit further away and seeing the shapes of people inside and being suddenly aware that there was a whole separate life going on somewhere other than where I was

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