Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 25 April 2013

Not much to say....

This is one of those days when I really have no idea what to write about, so you will have to put up with a bit of rambling until I get into the swing of things.

I may have said this before, but The man and I are constantly amazed at the number of TV advertisements that promote gambling. At almost every add break there is one for one or other of the online sites that are out to take your money. Most have an introductory offer. Spend £10 and we will turn it into £30. That’s gambling money not real money that you can take back. Bingo, roulette, poker. You name it you can play it on your device. 

Then there are the payday loan adverts. Making so easy to borrow, and at what interest rate. Well that will be in the fine print, if you can read it that is. 

And what about the miserable interest rate we get on our savings now compare that to the interest rate on mortgages and credit cards that the banks charge. Banks are very rich indeed on our money.

No wonder the country is possibly in a triple dip recession.

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