Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Crazy, just crazy...

What is this crazy world coming to?
Explosions at the Boston marathon, whoever or whatever is responsible has to be a loony tune. I mean why cause such pain to innocent victims. I just don’t get it. Actions like this accomplish nothing constructive.
And football hooliganism, well I don’t get that either. What kind of example is that to youngsters. What message does it send? Yay, come along to a game and afterwards let’s just beat up the opposing teams supporters just because we feel like it. Hang on I thought that sportsmen and their supporters should behave in a sportsmanlike manner. Let’s look up its definition shall we….


following or according to the rules <admired by the fans for his sportsmanlike conduct on the ice>

What do you think…

Me, well I think that there is definitely something missing in the world today and that is RESPECT.

The cowardly folks who perpetrate these sorts of despicable acts obviously have no self-respect whatsoever. Self-respecting people value themselves, others and their community. Self- respecters are able to decide to say ‘no’, they don’t just go along with a crowd, they are proud to stand up and be responsible for their own actions.

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