Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 7 April 2013

Sunny sunday...

Ok so back in New Zealand the clocks have gone back, I find the time difference really confusing. Well you would already know that if you have read some of my other posts.

So that means that when it is 0800 here, back there it is 1900. I think I’ve got that right. Only time will tell, haha I made a pun. 

Yesterday at the London Museum, apart from looking at body parts and the insides of bodies (read yesterday’s post if you don’t get the reason for that) we explored some of th other exhibits.
We were impressed with one in particular. The Lord Mayors golden coach. Aparently it was bult in 1757 and took about six months to construct. At a cost of £860, a fortune in those days. According to Google, today's equivalent of £1 in 1750 would be more than £100. So…counting on all my fingers and toes…well actually I just added two noughts   £860 in old money would be about £86,000.
Gosh I would think it would cost much much more than that to build these days. I guess labour and materials were a lot cheaper back then.
The fabulous looking coach is still used today, but only one a year though at the Lord Mayors Show which is in November. We are hoping to team up with a cousin to watch it later this year.
The above clip from you tube shows it in all its glory.
The last time we saw the coach it was standing all by itself, not looking anywhere near as impressive as it did yesterday. The addition of the model horses were an excellent finishing touch.
Apparently they were shipped over from somewhere in America. Wherever they came from they are very lifelike, what do you think?

So what did we do on this fine sunny, yes it was sunny, suday.
Well this morning, after a bit of a lie in, The Man cooked us a very scrummy bacon, eggs and mushroom breakfast. Well done that man. And this afternoon we hopped on a bus and went to visit friends.
A nice way to spend a lazy Sunday.

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