Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 5 August 2012

West Bromptom Cemetery

Threatened rain did arrive so we put off going out until the afternoon. And where did we go. If you are sitting comfortably I’ll begin.
Down to the local stain and to Victoria by Southern Rail. At Victoria, which didn’t seem to be much busier than usual, we transferred to the underground heading for West Brompton.
No, not to the badminton, which we found out was on once we got there, but to visit west Brompton Cemetery.  W did go past one of the venues, not intentionally though.

I like old cemeteries, if you have head some of my other entries you may well have gathered that The man humours me, but I think secretly he enjoys them too. 
 This one is the final resting place for Emmiline Pankhurst, who along with her two daughters was a driving force behind the suffragettes and women getting the right to vote
According to my guide book, 
 Children’s author Beatrix Potter lived locally and used to perambulate through the grounds of this historic burial ground. Apparently she drew inspiration for the names of some of her famous animal characters from headstones. We only found Mr Nutkin, but, we weren’t able to find the others that are reported to be here, Peter Rabbet, Mr McGregor and Jeremiah Fisher.

 We met a couple or real life characters too.
There are some very lovely headstones here. One that caught my eye had an airship on it and we wondered if perhaps it was for someone killed in the Hindenburg disaster, but the date on this headstone was 1915,  and the Hindenburg went down in 1937.

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