Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 16 August 2012

Clothes sense...

 The Man had another visit to the dentist this morning and again we went in a bit later.  Not such a rush on the trains again, not sure if it is the lateness or that people are still away on their summer hols. Whichever way it is, it is nice to have a bit of breathing space on the  tube,  My regular Starbucks is as  have written before closed for a makeover, and with not as much time as usual to spare I choose to go to what used to be my regular store. Gone are the nice comfy seats, replaced by a padded bench seat running almost the length of the store, fronted by small metal tables. Coffee in hand I settled myself into walked the corner furthest from the draughty door for my usual chat with whoever is online.
Coffee finished, well almost, and time rapidly running out I shut up shop and head across he road o work. Past the lovelies in their tight skirts and pretty frocks and the chaps in their sombre dark suits and multi coloured ties. One outfit coming towards me was very bright and a bit garish. The tall young women walking in my direction had a pretty bright peach coloured dress, topped by a bright yellow jacket. It put me in mind of a rhyme we used to say when we were kids. Blue and green should never be seen, except on a Spanish queen. Well that’s what we used to say back in NZ. When I Google it to find he origin I could only find mention of an Irish Colleen, not a mention of any Spanish ladies at all.  

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