Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 18 August 2012

Hot and cold

It’s 1642 and 30 degrees outside and about the same in here too. Both fans are running, the fridge is making pinking noses complaining about the heat and The Man is snoozing on the couch. Outside somebody is giving a skilly a hard time, maybe cutting up wood for tonight’s barbie. Probably not sounds too serous for that and the leaves on the trees are barley moving. Good thing out flat faces away from the road, which means hat we get the morning sun but not he scorching afternoon variety.
This evening we are off out to one of The Man’s work mates, a 70th birthday I think. I’m in the ‘what to wear’ quandary. I can do jeans and tee shirts easily, but dressing up a bit, well most of my gear is casual so it is a bit of a mind bender. I settled on black trousers and a shirt. But which shoes. Definitely not my regular commuting sneakers, err sorry trainers as everyone over here calls them. Bother , my little white casual slip ons are at work. “Hey That Man, how do you feel like a quick trip into Canary Wharf so I can collect my shoes?” He’s a good fella my bloke so after lunch we tootled off down to the station and did just that. Nice that the overground had its air con running, no such luck on the tube though, oh well it was only one stop and we stood at eh end of the carriage near the only opening window, the one on the interconnecting door.
Shoes retrieved we did a bit of grocery shopping at the Tescos in the mall. Our local supermarket has stopped stocking the large packet of the brand of muesli we have for brekky. Ooo some New Zealand wine would be good to take along tonight, add that to the shopping basket too.  The mall looks so different to a weekday when all you can see are dark suits and that’s not just the men either. Today everyone is out in their summer finery, a veritable rainbow.
We sauntered out into the sunshine and did a little bit of exploring, well we just couldn’t resist having a look to see what was around that corner and where do those steps go? Aha, we were rewarded with some nice reflections and found ourselves near a Starbucks. Mmmm strawberries and cream Frappuccino went down very nicely.  
The old Billingsgate Fish market

I love those reflections

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