Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 27 August 2012

Bank Holiday Monday...

What a nice lazy day The Man and I have had. It’s pretty unusual for us not to even go out for a stroll around the shops here at crystal palace. Oh all right, The Man did go for a quick walk to the supermarket earlier to buy butter to cook the mushies in. And it was NZ butter too. Yummy he is such a great breakfast chef.

I spent a bit of time of Face Book chatting to family and then when they had all signed off and gone to bed I got out the family history stuff and spent much of the rest of the day ‘pruning’ the tree.
Well when I say pruning, what I really mean is going through the information I have, yet again, and trying to get it into some sort of order. But I’m easily side tracked by interesting, if not very helpful tangents. I’m kicking myself to for not putting the date on print outs of census records. Not a clever move that. You’d think though that on the actual page itself thee would be a date, well I would think that would be a logical thing to do. Never mind. 

I have been looking for details about the birth of my paternal three times great grandfather, and I  . feel like I am going around and around in circles with him. I thought at one stage Aha there you are. I thought I had found him in a census entry for a hospital in 1841, but said hospital was more than 30 miles away. Hmm probably not him then. Oh well keep on looking.  

Now here’s one for the interesting snippet file.  Do you know how the Arctic Circle is defined? Well I do now, courtesy of The Man’s afternoon reading. It is the line of latitude marking the southern limit of here the sun does not set in June or rise at the December solstices.

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