Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 25 August 2012

Saturday stroll and a show

Hmm that’s strange; the sun was up this morning when we got up.  Well, the forecast said that it would be raining and as the forecast is usually spot on we were surprised when it wasn’t. But, by the time we had been around to the supermarket to stock up on a couple of essentials there were a few spits of rain, so that’s all right then.
It had eased off by the time we went down to the station to get the London Bridge train. So where were we going? To a show that’s where, and which one? Carousel.
We’d gone in a bit early so we had time for a stroll from the station to the theatre, which gave me the chance to get the camera out and get snap happy.
We found a couple of Wenlocks.  Go on ask me what a Wenock is…
It’s the mascot of the Paralympic games. A good opportunity for pictures. Wenlock is such n odd critter, one eyed and big headed. Sounds like a couple of people I know.

According to wiki
The mascots were unveiled on 19 May 2010; this marks the second time (after Vancouver's Miga, Quatchi, Sumi and Mukmuk) that both Olympic and Paralympic mascots were unveiled at the same time. The mascots were created and designed by iris, a London-based creative agency. Wenlock and Mandeville are animations depicting two drops of steel from a steelworks in Bolton. They are named after the Shropshire town of Much Wenlock, which held a forerunner of the current Olympic Games, and Stoke Mandeville Hospital, a facility in Buckinghamshire that initially organised the Stoke Mandeville Games, the precursor of the Paralympic Games.
The Barbican
Then on to the show. A Rogers and Hammerstein musical, what better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than with The Man. I didn’t know that they had written the anthem that Liverpool football club us. You know the one. You’ll never Walk Alone. We did enjoy the singing and the scene changes were very clever
Above and below are pictures of the original ancient London City Wall

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