Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 10 August 2012

Friday ramblings

How sad to hear this afternoon that the body of a missing twelve year old has been found.  The last sighting of her was at her grandmother’s house, where she was supposed to have set off from to a local shopping mall to buy shoes. Worse is that her body was found in her grandmother’s house and the police are looking for grannies 37 year old druggie partner.  OK I am as guilt as the next person in assuming that he is the one responsible. Time will tell. What is sad too is that the tragedy of this family has been overshadowed by the Olympics. I’ve written about this subject before, about how for us simple folk even though our world has come crashing about our ears the wider word just keeps on turning.

The Olympics have almost finished and little ole NZ has done pretty well, four golds, three silvers and five bronzes. The man and I will be pleased when it is all over, as will some businesses in Mill Hill who, according to the local paper, have had no come through their doors for almost two weeks. Why, because the locals who would normally be regular customers have either fled the country or stayed away in droves and watched the games on TV.

 During one of my lunchtime walks I took a different route and found myself walking alongside a huge construction site. It will be a new cross-rail station, probably won’t be finished before we go home.
 Apart from the construction site I also came across memorials to those from the banking industry who lost their lives in the first and second world wars.  

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