Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 9 August 2012


Another day closer to the weekend, and goodness me they go around very fast.
Summer does seem to have decided to stay around for a while longer. Fingers crossed it will hang about at least until after the weekend. It is 1830 and a nice 23 degrees outside. All he windows are open and I have even tuned on the fan. You’d hank that with the temperature being so nice the sky would be a lovely blue, well you would wouldn’t you. Not so here in London. Well there is blue up there but it is murky, and closer to the horizon it is hazier and looks like there is a big fire somewhere, but there isn’t. 
I’m reminded of something that my mother used to day about there being enough blue up there in the sky to make a sailor a pair of trousers. Via Google I found this 

 Quite common in the East End of London when I was a boy, except it was 'trousers' and not 'pants'. : I still hear it from time to time and it doesn't seem to be a dead saying. I guess 'sailors' because they have always had a traditionally blue uniform and the service is much older than air forces, which, in any case, often started off wearing khaki, eg USAAF before it became USAF.

One of the supermarkets over here has the catch phrase, every little helps.  I always have to chuckle about that one when I hear it. Why so? The complete saying that Mum used to use was every little helps as the old lady said when she did it in the sea. I’m sure you understood what she meant by ‘did it in the sea’ if you didn’t it means peeing in the sea. It is in fact a Wellerism.  Simply put these are a type of anti-proverb

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