Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 6 August 2012

Of mice and men...

Bit of a crush on the tube this morning, probably the worst crowd there yet. Trains run every few minutes fortunately. Two trains came and went before I was able to push on. As I only go one stop on this particular tube it is bearable. On the platform when I got to it was a young family with a toddler in a buggy, goodness knows how long they had to wait to get on.  Must be horrible for little people in such a crush.
I went for a walk at lunchtime, partly to buy my boss a new ‘oyster’ card. This is like a bankcard that you can load with money and it pays for your train/bus trip. Once you’ve loaded it with dosh all you do is ‘swipe’ it at the card reader. Almost all the stations have automatic gates that open when you swipe you card.  It makes sense to have them as it is much more expensive to buy a single trip ticket on all forms of public transport.
On my way back I walked a different way and found myself walking alongside a huge construction site that one day not too far off will be a new crossrail station.  A small movement caught my eye and I thought at first that it must have been a little leaf rolling along. It turned out to be a very tiny mouse.  Not the ,Wee, sleekit, cowran, tim'rous beastie’, of the Rabbie Burns poem this critter. It was carefully harvesting a meal from between the grooves in the pavement and took no notice of me at all, even when I stopped to watch it.
On a totally different not I heard from my son today that Mount Tongariro, one of NZ’s quiet volcanoes erupted today. Spewing out ash and hot rocks. Roads in the central part of the North Island have been closed.  None of my family lives near it; even so we’ll be keeping a close eye on that one.

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