Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 3 August 2012


Go Kiwis. Great to see the NZ rowers do so well. Odd that the British media talks over the medal ceremonies so that we didn’t hear God Defend New Zealand, but we did hear God Save The Queen when GB won. Double standard there.
Seems that so many people have been avoiding the centre of the city that the tourist industry is suffering. And  The Man and I are among them. There are all sorts of adds around urging people to stay home and obviously no one is taking any notice of them.  Talk about daft though this morning and tonight he p.a. or if you are British the tannoy has been making an announcement to the effect that Stratford, which is where the Olympics are, is to be avoided, as is the Jubilee line, which is one of the lines into Stratford. Not sure about the logic there. Let me think, now if I was going to the Olympics where would I go again? And how would I get there?
Also the huge new shopping centre, again at Stratford, will not be open to the general public this coming weekend, apparently supposed to be the busiest of the games. Only folks with passes will get in. So let me think, the ones going to the games will be able to get into the Mall but the potential shoppers wont. Don’t think the retailers will like that.

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