Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Down at the station early in the morning...

So what shall I write about today, this is one of those days when I’m not sure what will come off the keyboard. So here we go .The train from Canada Water to canary Wharf was the worst yet. Platform was jam packed so I walked almost to end of the platform thinking that it would be better down that end. Not. Ok so I stood in line with the rest of the waiting folk. At the head of my queue was an afro-caribbean man and a European woman having a good old slanging match. What to do, well just ignore them. Train came along and she got on, only just as it was jam-packed. He continued to rabbit on at her and she at him until the train went and he still carried on. Amazing how everyone just ignored them. He then went quietly to the end of the queue and waited like the rest of us. Next train along and no hope of me getting on, only one person at the front of the queue squeezed in, like playing sardines. Next train is just as bad and a couple of peeps get on so I get closer to the front of the queue. Only a family in front of me now, a woman and a couple of kids so I stand a good chance of getting on. Train arrives and the woman just stands there. Are you getting on, I ask her. The reply is a negative with a look of horror that I might even consider her getting on, well I am I say, I’m on my way to work. Not only did I get on but three others behind me did too. Very squashed and not even an ounce of room so I couldn’t even bend down to put my pack on the floor and couldn’t move my feet as we were standing toe to toe and heel to heel. I am so pleased it is only one stop.
So we get to Canary wharf and the doors don’t open. The afro caribean man is poking at the door opener, which of course doesn’t work because at this stop not only are there doors on the train; there are glass doors on the station too. Won’t open mate on of the other passengers tells him, you have to wait for the driver to do it Dark chap looks alarmed, Doors are automatic I tell him and looking at the woman right in front of me I say fun isn’t it. She grins at me and goes back to the game on her phone. Eventually the doors open and we spill out onto the platform. I hang back and let the bulk of the crowd go up the escalator before I even attempt to get into the queue to ride up to the ticket office level. Congestion has eased a bit and I have no trouble getting on the escalator up to street level. Phew. Roll on tomorrow

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