Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 21 August 2012

grannys and graves...

Interesting date today 21/8/12. Well I think it is. Really only notice that sort of thing if you write the date. But with computer how many get to do that?
This is one of those days when I don’t know what to write about so bear with me while I get going and I’m sure there will be something interesting coming off the keyboard.
Some of you may have realised that I am a bit of a family history nut, yes really I am. I found a site called deceased online. I kid you not it really is. So I paid a fee, of course there is always a fee, and typed in the details of my paternal grandparents and golly gosh there were their burial details.  Interestingly enough she was buried and he was cremate, and his ashes scattered, but at different cemeteries.
That reminds me of a couple of stories my mother’s sister told me about her mother, my grandmother.
The family were catholic, is say were because granny and the church fell out. Granny’s sister and her family remained catholic, but my side of the family didn’t.
The story goes that when my granny was pregnant with my mother she went to the school where my aunt was a pupil.  Granny had some sort of disagreement with the priest who, quoting my aunt who quoted her mother, told her that if she didn’t leave he would ‘put her down the stairs’
Apparently, back then, priests could come and go in you house as they pleased. After my great granny had died and was buried in a non-Catholic cemetery the priest is reported to have called in and told granny that she had had her mother buried in unconsecrated ground.  A little while later after he had visited the neighbours the priest returned and said to granny, ‘I take back my words to you, Mrs H, good morning’

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