Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 13 August 2012

Monday monday...

Monday again already and the Olympics have been and gone. Roll on the Paralympics. Transport woes will not be so bad then methinks. I would have thought that Canada Water station (my mid run transfer) would have been quieter today, but no, it was about as busy as it has been for the last couple of weeks. 
The forecast threatened rain this afternoon and, well there was teensy bit of drizzle but not much. We did take our brollys with us but didn’t need them.
I went for a walk at lunch time, I had a bit of mail to post and as the closest post office is generally pretty crowed at lunch time I walked to the other end of the of the precinct. There is still a big screen replaying Olympic events at one of the grassed areas and a few folks were sitting around having their lunch there.  Mail successfully posted I decided to go into the mall to some shopping. Over here there is a huge chain of pharmacies called Boots and believe it or not it is cheaper to shop in there for some products than the supermarket. Panadol is 19p for twenty and today I bought mouthwash, three for the price of two and a pound off each cos I had a promo voucher. And the toothpaste, three for the price of two. Who can resist it? Well I didn’t.
On the way back there were security guards directing people around what looked like a group who were filming, when I asked him what hey were doing  he just shrugged and said probably for an add. Interestingly enough the little two tone car that they were using is so very like one that we often see on our way to the library. Will have to check it out the rego number next time to see if it is the same.   

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