Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 24 August 2012

Friday musings

The Man had a very nasty experience on the tube on the way to meet me after work today.
The only unoccupied seat had an elderly chap’s grocery bag on it.  So, like you do he said politely excuse me I’d like to sit there. The result was a tirade of expletives and when he didn’t move it, The Man shifted the bag to the side of the seat and sat down. The old b*&£*r then proceeded to dig The Man in the ribs, but being the good natured chap my man he just ignored it. 

Not only that the O B tried to trip up several the other commuters when they were Man the elbow. Time came for The Man to get off he turned and said to the OB you are a silly old fool . The O B didn’t even have the excuse of being drunk.

I’ve had a good day at work and learned a new thing or two to boot. Saw a you fellow this morning who had a limp wrist, now just hang on a minute not that sort to wrist.
Seems he’d been out drinking the night before and when he woke in the middle of the night he could not raise his wrist. Well that had me concerned so off I go to get the doc, and when I described it to him he said sounds like ‘Saturday Night Palsy.’ I kid you not it really does exist. Seems it is nerve damage caused by compressing nerves, possibly by sitting with an arm over the back of a chair for a long time, or even sleeping very heavily on it. 
Well I do try to learn something every day

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