Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 23 August 2012

looking back at the ancestors

Last night we watched and episode of Who Do You Think You Are. Greg Wallace, one of the Master Chef  judges was the celebrity in search of his ancestors

At first I thought it would be great to have someone do all the legwork and just hand over the details. But then I realized that a great deal of satisfaction is to be had in getting to that eureka moment when you find an ancestor that you have been looking for, for ages. I have had a couple of these special moments and wouldn’t change that for the world.
I’m fortunate that The Man, though he doesn’t share my passion for genealogy, supports me in my granny hunting.

One of the clients I saw today told me about his father who was very recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Generally by the time the cancer is found it has metastasised off to other essential organs such as the liver and the lungs. And that is exactly what had happened in my client’s case. 

I’d asked him what he was doing over the weekend and he said that he was taking his family back to Holland for the weekend to spend time with his family. We talked a bit about loss and how people cope. 

I suggested to him that if he had any questions to ask or stories he wanted to hear then this is the time to be asking. And if his father was amenable to it, then recording his answers to capture the sound of his voice not just the stories.
It makes me think about my own father’s voice. I visited him one day, recorder in hand and we spent a pleasant time chatting about family history.   That is the only recording I have because a few shorts week later he died very suddenly and unexpectedly. 

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