Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 4 August 2012

memory lane...

 Not done much today. Got the washing done, the grocery shopping done, tidied up, played our favourite CD’s. These include Abba’s mama Mia soundtrack. That reminded me of an article I read in the paper the other day about the sameness of modern music. Both The man and I agree. But listen to Abba’s compositions and there’s no way you could say that about their music.  
Music and the words that go with them is,  for lots of us,  very evocative.
Happy and sad memories can be triggered, new memories created, life would be poorer without it.
My own personal memories include having this that I remember my mum singing to me  ) Beautiful brown Eyes. And yes mine are brown. (If I had  Golden Umbrella) Used to hear this one on the Sunday lunchtime request session. (how Much is That Doggy in the window) (Tammy, from the movie of the same name) (Oh Mine Papa, guaranteed to make me cry, even now as I write this)  (a Lovely as you, and it still makes me cry) 

I could go on and on and on. Just one more.. OK two more  (Sailor Stop Your Roaming Reminds me of a great teacher)  here it is in German as she would sing it.

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