Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Three challenges today...

The sun came out today and stayed. Very nice thank you. Right at this moment as I’m writing this it is 2030 hours, 8:30 pm by the 24 hour clock, and it is still 19 degrees outside. Windows all wide open too. I wonder if summer has decided to come back after all.
My day has been an interesting one with several challenges. First was to try to figure out what tubes use for the blood test I was required to do. Hmm one guide says take it in the plain tube and just send to the lab s it is, no special care needed. Other guide say send in citrate tube (the blue one) and on ice and stat (immediately) so erring on the side of caution I take a plain top tube and a citrate one. Client thinks the citrate one is the correct one, but I’m not so sure, neither is the lab who ring me an hour or so later and ask me what the citrate tube is for. When I name the test, they say don’t need the blue top tube. Oh well.
Next challenge is someone who has come back from an overseas trip, having had a close encounter with a potentially rabid animal. He’s already had two vaccinations over there and needs the course to be continued. Well we don’t have any of the specific vaccine he is demanding. My travel vacs guru says all rabies vacs are inter changeable. So next job will be to convince the client. Also the health protection agency needs to be involved. Huge learning curve today.
Third challenge comes right on finishing up time. Phone call from one of the floor managers one of her colleagues was diagnosed and treated in hospital for some peculiar infection. Question I am being asked is it Ok for the colleague to return to work. Well I don’t know. Short version is, I tell her I’ll find out nod phone her back, fingers crossed my guru is still at work.  Answer is yes, not infectious, Phew, Quick phone call to the manager passing on the details. Now I can go home.

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