Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 20 August 2012

monday monday...

Much better night last night, not so hot. Thank goodness for that. Little sleep to be had on hot humid nights. Today has still been quite warm and I had a nice walk at lunch time. Along the riverfront front away from Canary Wharf for twenty minutes and then turn around and come back. Listening to the music on the iPhone. All the music on here has been free, courtesy of Starbucks; they have a new free download every week. Last weeks was a sonic the hedgehog game not really my cup of tea. This week tough it is a book about ancient London. I’ve had some pretty good pop tunes; do you still call it that, it I wonder?
So off I went at a good clip listening to David Guetta’s party mix, nice beat to walk to. Followed by the theme from the Muppet Show, and then Lady Ga Ga’s Marry The Night.  I decided on a slightly different route back and came across a rather interesting building decoration.

Hmph got a txt from the man this morning telling me he was going to be working late. So after work I came home all on my lonesome. I thought that I would pop around to the supermarket to stock up on a few essentials, which I did with my trusty granny trolley.
Hmm is that a couple of boys in blue outside the front door? Yes it was, and between them there was   a chap, obviously being detained, and smiling with it, or was that just nerves.  One of the law enforcers has a plastic wrapped package under his arm, and on the other side of the entry was a cleaner tidying up where it looked like the rubbish bin had been upended. Head down I walked past them through a little group of rent-a-crowd. All were still there when I came out too, so again head down and walk on
I just had time to get home and put the supplies away walk down to the station to meet The Man and bring him home

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