Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 2 August 2012

Arty farty...

Tis just about my bedtime, 2200 but I am so habituated to blogging that i must post something before I turn in for the night. The man and I went to an exhibition of art at the Barbican tonight, lots of interesting paintings, some I wouldn't give houseroom to and one or two that I would.

 After that we had a bit of a wander as we are wont to do and found ourselves in a street with  lots of nice street art. 

Then Tea at a tidy kebab-house, yummy, mine was the lamb, small please and his was the chicken, large please. Golly gosh I am pleased I ordered the small. So well fed we made our way to the nearest underground and caught the next train home. Had to take a picture of this huge poster on the station.

so blogging achieved and now its good night from me and its goodnight form him
Moon over Crystal Palace

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