Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Old fogies and fungi...

I spent bit of time today rechecking some of the info in my family tree. In a couple of weeks I’m meeting up with a cousin who is interested in the ‘tree’, and I want to make sure that all the details I have collected so far are correct. Oops, there on one of my online trees is a mistake. By clicking on confirm I had inadvertently doubled up on the information, giving my paternal Great grandfather a second wife, name unknown, and a duplicate family. Hmm, took a bit of finding out, but once I had figured out how to remove them I did, one child at a time and then the unknown wife. Ah that’s better.  Now then on my father’s maternal side there is a distinct lack of information. His maternal grandfather’s line goes back to the three times grt grandparents. But I only get as far as his maternal grandmother. Well not any more, fingers crossed. I sent off for their marriage certificate today. That will give me the names of the parents so should help me to take the next step back. 

The Man has not been at all happy with the mushies we have been buying lately, somehow the taste is not quite right. I bought a pack of 4 big brown ones today, they look very fresh. So cooked them with a bit of that kiwi butter ,and some garlic, and a squeeze of lemon. Yumo.

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