Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Saturday 30 June 2012

snail trails...

An unusual day for me. Why so I hear you ask, well I would if you asked it. So why was it usual for me. Ill tell you. I spent the day by myself ‘cos The Man went to work today. Got up at 0450 and had a coffee with him before he left to get the night bus into he city. No trains running from our station at that time of the morning. Back to bed to read and then snooze for a while. It is a pity that he had to go to work ‘cos it has been a nice sunny day. A bit windy, but not cold.  
I checked up on the family via Facebook and saw a picture and a comment that someone had posted about slugs coming inside. It so reminded me of the huge critters that used to invade the kitchen of daughter number two. Well I say huge, by sluggy standards I think they were. Must have been all of five centimetres. Then  The Man and I move house and wouldn’t you know it there on the kitchen floor in the mornings were the silvery slimy trails of the very same critters. I have to admit I didn’t think too much about it until one night when I went into the kitchen and before I could turn on the light I felt a very nasty cold slimy squishy sensation under my toes. Yerk! You guessed it I had trodden on one. Pretty soon after that we tracked the trails back to a small gap in the floor behind the cooker which The Man plugged up and not more snails.
Have you ever thought about the way some things change into other things all by themselves. Well I did this morning. As I said I had a coffee with The Man before he left for work. When I got up later I prepared and ate a bowl of muesli, and afterwards put the jug on for a coffee. When I poured the milk in it curdled. Funny that I thought, because it didn’t do that earlier. Repeat the process and same result. Hmm. Smells Ok. And obviously tasted OK too. So I forewent the coffee.  Forgetful me I left the milk  bottle on the bench, and when I realised this an hour or so later I went to put it back in the fridge but …hello something had happened to it, it was all gluggy and was defiantly not going into the fridge, but down the loo.  And the use by date on the bottle? Well that was tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. had to think for a minute about the slugs. I never had slugs in my kitchen??? But then i remembered we did, but in the lodge kitchen, not my own hehe. I tried salt on one one day and its true, they dont like salt.
