Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Eat you heart out superman

This blogging every day is addictive, but not easy to find something to say every day without repeating myself. Well not repeating myself too much.
Was actually able to get out for a good walk at lunchtime, haven’t been able to do that for a couple of weeks. Both because of the weather and also due to work pressure. I’d much rather work through lunchtime than work late. Unfortunately last week started off with me doing both. I gave in to the idea of working late and kept my lunchtimes to myself, well mostly. ‘I’ll make it up to myself on Friday by leaving early.
Recently there was a Motoexpo at Canary Wharf. One of the displays was a kid’s cartoon character called Optimus Prime. No the character wasn’t’ a person dressed up in suit, it was a huge really truly truck. Optimus Prime is a Transformer. I watched a couple of kids had their picture taken in the booth against a green screen. The a couple e of grown men. Good enough for them I thought, good enough for me. I stood in line and put the suit on and hey presto I’m a superhero. 

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