Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 22 June 2012

Coffee and the games

Last night on our way home we walked past my ‘regular’ Buckys and I was delighted to see that is finally about to open. So this morning where I headed. Nice to see the staff again. I really didn’t like the new layout of the store, not a nice place to sit and chat for nearly an hour each morning, which is what I do every morning. The store is drafty and the seating is now all bench seats along the wall and not nice and cosy as it was before. I asked the staff if they like it and they said that they did and that there was much more room for them behind the counter and the working condition are better. That is really all at that mattes, so I will now go to a different Buckys, there are five of them around Canary Wharf so I have few more to choose from.

I think I wrote about the underground drivers holding the country to ransom, demanding huge bonuses to work during the Olympics. Hang on a bit aren’t they just doing their regular work? Yes they are.  OK so the trains will be much fuller, but as the drive sits secluded inside cab it makes no difference to them how full the carriages are.  So the bus drivers re now demanding bonuses and today they were supposed to be out on strike because the train driver’s demands for more dosh during the game shave been met. I think there is something radically wrong with the idea don’t you?

There are some daft plans in place for the games. Like having special traffic lanes that will only be for VIPS’s and competitors. Never mind the thousands of ordinary commuters who will be affected by the more congested roads. Whose idea was that?
Almost everyone I’ve spoken to is not looking forward to the games and lots are planning to be away. I think the latest British Airways add is a direct result of ordinary Brits wanting to escape. The campaign is aimed at encouraging brits to stay home. Bit late for that  don’t you think.

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