Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 4 June 2012

Game, tin and ouch...

Not much to write home about today. Another nice lie in this morning. I think these four day weekends are great, and  we still have another day to go. Woohoo. So today was a quiet one too. Started off wet so not really wanting to go out. Not yet anyway. After a late lunch it had cleared a bit so we donned jackets and grabbed the bag to pop around tot supermarket. Then we came home in a very roundabout way. Instead of turning left we turned right, on purpose to extend our walk and wandered down the hill, past a couple of very low key street parties. It was so wet yesterday that they must have been put off until today. Up ahead of us in one street we saw a group of five men playing what looked like some sort of dice game. Gambling perhaps I thought. I had to chuckle to myself as we walked past as they were actually well wrapped up in the kids board game of Ludo.
Then home for afternoon tea of coffee and chocolate fingers, yum I bought a commemorative tin of them. For the tin, really. Honest… well for the bikkies actually.
We did watch a bit of the jubilee concert, poor old Duke of E is unwell and missed it. The crowds in the Mall had to be seen to be believed. And it turned out to be a nice afternoon for them too.
We watched a very orange moon rise tonight. As orange as a street light , and it was full too. There is such  lot  pollution in the air that the moon has to get quite high in the sky before it appears its regular pale yellow.
Was putting something in freezer tonight and oh oh pain in the back. Couldn’t get up. The Man has been great and finished off getting tea. I’ve taken all the pills I can and haveheat pack on it. Fingers crossed it is better by morning.

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