Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 8 June 2012

Friday again !!!

Yay, Friday. Goodness me I feel as though it was only yesterday that I said it before.
Yesterday I wrote about a programme called Springwatch.  On t they had some baby ferrets that had been rescued and will be released back into the wild when they are grown. The Man turned and said to me, well that wouldn’t happen at home. Back in NZ they are an introduced species and very much noxious animal. They destroy the ground nesting birds and tree nesters as well. Unfortunately they are very widespread. Too late to do more than continue to lay poison bait.  I think they might have been seen as a control for the massive rabbit pest population. Was not a good move. Diseases were introduced to try to eradicate the bunnies that eat the pastureland down to dust.  A bit like the cane toads that were brought into Australia as a pest control measure. Now that is a serious problem. They are very nasty critters.
On the programmes there was also a segment about a farmer who had done an emergency caesarean on a dead hare. He had seen a wriggle within the body and what do you know he saved the baby. The odd thing was that the hare had been killed by poison lad by the same farmer. Methinks that there is a contradiction there.
Both The Man and I have had good days at work. We both enjoy our job which is great as there are lots of people out there who go to work each day with the aim of getting it over and done with as soon as possible. So I think we have been very fortunate in our choice of employer.  Mind you it took The Man good six months to find the right one.
Our weekend activities will very much depend on the weather. The prediction is that Saturday will be the best day. Will keep you posted.

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