Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 17 June 2012

Sunshine and flowers

A nice lazy Sunday for The Man and me today. Not that it wasn’t a lovely sunny day. Which it was. The weather seems to have righted itself after a bit of a cold snap.  I bought an NZ leg of lamb the other day and thought to myself it would make a nice Sunday lunch. Well tea actually.
So today we had a late brekky and The Man cut the shank end off the leg for me so that it would fit into our halogen cooker. Dressed with garlic and a bit of rosemary that I was fortunate enough to find in our shared garden, salt and pepper and oil. Ready and waiting in the halogen cooker to be switched on after we get back from our after lunch walk. He’s a dab hand in the kitchen is The Man, and today he made us yummy ham sammies for lunch 

We chose a route using our local map and off we went. On our way the keen eyes of The Man spotted an interesting post alongside the perimeter fence of Crystal palace Park. I’ve never seen one like it before         

 According to the blurb on the board at the entrance to Sydenham Wells Park , the now defunct and filled in wells were where people including a king came’ to take the waters’. Apparently the bitter tasting water was full of magnesium.  There were some very pretty plants in the gardens that we hadn’t seen before. 

From there we found out way to Dulwich Park. A very pretty wooded park that hides the surprise of a disused steam train tunnel. Now closed off to us by gates it has become the home of local bats. We sauntered down the trail where the train line would  have run, and across a refurbished rail bridge.

The dappled path led through the wood and out to the edge of the golf course and ultimately to a road. The noticeboard at the church where we exited the park told us that men form local regiments fought alongside those from the NZ Expeditionary Forces on the Somme. The Man’s grandfather was a member of the NZEF and could have encountered some of the local troops as he too fought on the Somme.  


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