Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Ring ring, vroom vroom

The Man had a letter today asking him to come in and give blood before the end of July. Which is surprising as he has an appointment to give late in August. It is a silly system. He’s a good bloke though and will give them a call in the morning to arrange to donate. And talking about silly. We have a landline phone. No one uses it though and we have no idea what tits number is. So why have we got it. For the internet connection of course. For the last few months we have been receiving recorded messages tell us that we are entitled to a refund as we have been oversold payment protection insurance Push 1 to talk to and operator about your claim, or 9 to opt out. Of course I  push 9 and hello get another call for exactly the same thing a few weeks later. 

A lovely day today, sunshine and blue sky. The wind is a bit chilly though as I discovered when I went out for walk around Canary Wharf at lunch time.  And around the Wharf is the MotoExpo. As it was so nice today, but not supposed to be tomorrow we had a walk about to admire the wheeled wonders.     

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