Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Wednesday 27 June 2012

And another thing...

Didn’t get to go for my walk at lunchtime, had a haircut instead. Not as much of an exercise as the walk but much more costly. Around the Wharf the signs that the Olympics are nearly upon us are  beginning to appear. Large posters with direction arrows have appeared, though I don’t know why large circular stickers have been applied to platforms. After all the crowds will prevent them form being seen. No one I’ve spoken to is looking forward to the disruptions that will be caused. And as for the posters around the station suggesting passengers find an alternative way to work, or work different hours,  or even that walking between stations might be quicker, well that’s a laugh.
I’m a bit of a stickler for good grammar. I like a ‘an’ before words beginning with an ‘H’.  A hotel sounds totally wrong.  An hotel is more, and sound better too well to my ears anyway. I’ve just heard an add for a company that recycles old phones. It asks both verbally and in writing ‘are you bored of you old phone. Shouldn’t that be bored with? On the train on the way home overheard conversations make me cringe, and not just for the content either. 

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