Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Monday 11 June 2012

Rain, cars and whatever next...

OMG will you look at that. Headline news, Bad weather. In some places a month’s worth of rain fell in just one day. Pretty regular occurrence back home in NZ. The Man and I both agree that this summer is the wettest one so far.  And it looks like it will be staying for a while yet. Good thing for the farmers at least. The two of us find it quite nice to have a bit of rain. Lol

Got to Canary Wharf this morning and hello, flash cars everywhere. Is it really a whole years since the last one. I guess it must be. Back then the cartoon character vehicles form the movie Cars held pride of place right outside the station nothing like that this time, well not yet anyway. will be looking forward to a fine day to have a wander around them all. 

Last night, well this morning really we were rudely woken by the intercom beeping. Each of the units in our building has an intercom link to the front door and the ability to remotely open the front door. My side of the bed being nearest the door I got up and answered the beep. ‘Pizza for number 18’ said the dismembered voice, ‘bell doesn’t seem to be working’ Now this was at a quarter past one in the morning. What on earth would the little old lady next door at number 18 be doing calling out for a pizza at that time of the morning? ‘Hang on’ I said ‘One of us will come down.’ Well no surprises in that when I got down to the level with the front door there was no one there. So who was it I hear you ask and what happened to Mrs Number 18’s pizza. Unfortunately this kind of call is relatively common here  by unscrupulous burglars opportunistically trying to get access.

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