Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Sunday 3 June 2012

British Reign...

A right royal day for the UK. Why? The royal gent down the Thames to mark Queen Elizabeth’s diamond jubilee. That’s an awful long time to hold down a job. Pretty rare by today's standards
Three years in the planning the river pageant the only  thing that was out of their control was the weather. And it rained. A remark by one of the commentators at the end of the TV broadcast said that the rain had in some way made it even more British.
The Man and I had excellent seats to watch the watery pageant sail past. No. Don’t be silly. There was no way either of us was going to be daft enough to get caught up in that kind of crowd. We watched it from the  comfort of our living room couch. 
And pleased we were that we did, it has rained all day and been quite chilly too. It would not have been very pleasant for the small watercraft  rowing along the Thames for several hours At least they didn’t have o contend with the strong tidal flow. Canute may not have been able to hold back the tide, but the  organizers of pageant succeeded, in the Thames at least. Working in conjunction with the maintenance crew at the Thames barrier the pageant organizers arranged for the once a year raising of the barrier to be done today. What a clever piece of forward planning. 

Thames Barrier on a lovely sunny day August 2010

Wavy box hedges in what must have been a waterway near the Thames barrier. The modern looking building it the background is actually  railway station

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