Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 21 June 2012

Dates and drinkies

The date today is really interesting, well I think it is. Two, one, six, one, two. It isn’t often that things like that happen. Well I guess it will have happened twelve times this year. Actually there have been other dates like this too. January second, and February first. OK so I am going on a bit about these kinds of dates, but I really do find it very interesting. I count too, do you? Any repetitive activity such as unpegging clothes off the line will have me counting the number of pegs. Well not here in the UK ‘cos all our washing is dried in the drier. I was a bit horrified by that to begin with, but there is no outside clothes lien in the back garden of our shared building.

Back in the counting theme and a while ago I asked the barista at buckys how many coffees he would make in a day. He just shrugged and looked at me as if I was nuts. Well I was interested.
There was a Microsoft even at work today. I registered myself for it ages ago. I was keen to get to grips with more of excels features. The presenters were excellent and gave me lots of tips and tricks to use. I also won a couple of movie tickets, just for completing their online survey. Very nice thank you. One of the survey questions was about using the Windows Live picture gallery. I can’t wait to have a few hours to myself on a weekend to give it a go.

After work, The Man and I went along to a local tavern to have dinkies with a colleague who is leaving. Not leaving the company but moving on to a new and more senior position at another site. We spent a pleasant couple of hours socialising.

1 comment:

  1. jordyn counts the steps from the underground carpark up to paknsave, gets a different number everytime
    i have to have balance on my clothesline, dont like it when one item ends up on the next quarter around, will make it fit even if it means squishing the wash hehe
