Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Thursday 14 June 2012

What a load of rubbish...

The weather man has been pretty spot on, only an hour or so our on some days. Today it was supposed to be raining by the late afternoon and what do you know as we got off the bus at Crystal Palace the first scattering of dark drops was visible on the footpath. Talking about spots on the footpath, in some palace on our walk down to the station it seems there are more chewing gum dots than visible path. It is a terrible habit spitting the gum in the street. You wouldn’t see that kind of thing at Canary Wharf, not because the nasty stuff isn’t spat out there but because of the constant vigilance of the cleaning staff.  Scraping and sweeping and cleaning out the spaces between paving stones. The area around the stations vacuumed every day by one of those ride on vacs. Here no bins are left to overflow, no discarded cigarette ends litter the gutters and no litter blows in the wind. Must cost a fair bit to keep it all neat and tidy.
At the bus stop where we get off on our way home the bin always overflows and that which won’t fit in litters the ground. Along our street are a few second hand stores that masquerade as trendy stores. Their wares are displayed on the footpath regardless of weather, sheltering under canvas.   Don’t think I would like to buy anything from them. It is quite usual to see an unsalable chest of drawers or other discarded items outside when the stores are locked and shuttered for the night yesterday and today it is a sad looking wardrobe that has been abandoned to the elements. You’d think that they would call a charity shop to come and take it away wouldn’t you.

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