Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Friday 29 June 2012

Looking around...

It’s amazing how fast the face of CW changes. Yesterday evening there was a triathlon, this morning, all trace of it had gone. Stands, street barriers, flags the lot, all packed up and gone. Talk about quick change artist. This morning as I came up the escalators at CW there were girls handing out long stemmed yellow roses. Some sort of promotion for a letting agent. Pity that they weren’t scented otherwise I would have been tempted to keep them, as it was I gave them to the cheery girl who greets me most mornings at Buckys.
At lunch time I had an appointment to get my eyes tested for new specs. I’ve been struggling with them for a while. Looking at cervixes and down people’s ear canals has become something more of a challenge. Not to mention reading in dim light. The examination was very thorough and the best thing about it was that it was free, funded by the NHS. Not so with the lenses that cost £440, considering I have had my current pair since 2007 I don’t really have much to grumble about. They cost about £1000, so by comparison the overall cost is much the same.
Has been quite a windy day today, a bit like being at home. But here has been a fair amount of surface flooding in some places and I heard on the news this morning that a chap was even swept way to his death.
 Technology is such a wonderful thing, well I think it is Skype and Facebook and phone text massaging allows me to keep up with what the family back home are doing. Much easier than when we lived in PNG and had to rely on plain old snail mail. Starbucks is great too with their free Wi-Fi, that’s where I spend the first three-quarter of an hour of my day chatting to whichever family member is online. Some more often than others.  

1 comment:

  1. yeah technology is great, i really missed you when you were in PNG. When we had your first graddaughter i think our phone bill that month was about $500 and that was almost 16 years ago, i remember calling you on the payphone from the hospital on day three, when my hormones hit the floor, and the coins were being used as fast as i could feed them in.
