Geriatric OE

The weekly musing of a couple of Kiwis on their geriatric OE in The UK

Tuesday 19 June 2012

A bit of a re-cap

I don’t want to say it too loudly, but I think summer has come back. Shhhh don’t tell anyone.

I did say the other day that I would write about the caravan show w went to at Totton. Not only was it a fine day, but it didn’t cost us the earth to get there either. We rose early to catch the first southern train out of our local station. Getting off at Victoria, we walked to the National Express Office which is just up the road. Our bus, oops sorry coach left at 0700 and pretty soon we were on our way. Not having slept well during the previous few nights, The Man and I slept most of the way to Southampton. We’ve been there before so it was easy to navigate our way to catch the local bus to Totton. We weren’t sure which stop to get off at. Light bulb idea. As the show was at a fun park starring no less a character than Peppa pig we simply asked a mother and child combo and got off when they did.
A bit of a walk in off the main road and we were soon surrounded by caravans and campers. We were in our element. We quickly spotted a brand we were thinking about buying and went to have a look in it to familiarise ourselves all over again. That done we began our tour around the site. Passing those that were either too big or too small and those needing to have the beds made up at the end of each day. That left us with a small handful that we sat in and discussed the interior layout and the pros and cons of each model.  Sitting inside for any length of time drew the attention of the salesman. We discussed our list of wants and don’t wants with him and he suggested that we go look at a couple of new vans that were very similarly priced as the ones a year or two old. And we were very impressed. So much so that we have discarded our original selection in favour of a new one of an entirely different internal layout altogether. The salesman gave us the very good advice about buying. He said that seasonal diffeences in price a pretty much non-existent, the best deals are always at shows.

1 comment:

  1. well of course he would say that, never take a salesman at his word, unless you get a really really honest one :-)
